avril 20, 2024




Prof. Bartolome Ribas Ozonas

General secretary, Vice President, Royal National Academy of Pharmacy, Spain


Régime équilibré pour prévenir les infections et contagieuses, au sujet de la pathologie du COVID-19.

Régime equilibré a prévoirinfections et contagion aussienvers COVID-19 pandémie.

En tant que biochimiste, je propose quelques données sur la biochimie moléculaire pour prévenir les infections, contagieuses et d’autres comme les pathologies du COVID-19 produites par le virus SARS-coV-2 st ses différents mutants.

La solidarité du point de vue biochimique envers l’enseignement et la formation nous fait écrire cet article en défense de l’harmonie du corps humain, pour avoir un corps sain, fort et robuste, dont les défenses éliminent les virus, les bactéries et les toxines. Ces données fussent déjà

exposés oralement dans un panel de la World Academy Art & Science, d’autres institutions académiques et Congrès.

Comme pour le corps humain, l’harmonie est cruciale dans l’Univers, le système solaire, l’atome, la musique, qui sont basés sur la physique, les mathématiques et les réactions chimiques entre atomes et molécules figure 1.

Tout cela jusqu’à l’apparition des maladies génétiques ou non et dans la vieillesse.

Fig.3. À partir du haut : les éléments minéraux sont les atomes formant des molécules, celles-ci dans les cellules en tant que protéines, les enzymes catalyseurs du métabolisme dans les mitochondries, les noyaux et autres organites, formant les cellules spécialisées dans chaque organe et tissus systémiques en tant que systèmes nerveux et cardiovasculaire, et enfin forment le corps humain. Organes systémiques dans le corps humain en harmonie, comme mentionné précédemment la musique et l’Univers.

Fig.4. Montrez les éléments essentiels à la vie humaine en couleur et aucun élément essentiel en gris, selon l’Organisation mondiale de la santé et des experts scientifiques.

Fig5. Human body needs a balanced diet paying attention to fruits and vegetables in order to obtain vitamins and essential mineral elements as catalysators of metabolism in cytoplasma (glycolysis) and mitochondria (Krebs cycle and electron transport chain), for the necessary energy and to defend any type of infection from bacteria or viruses such as SARS-coV-2 and mutants.


Vitamins and trace elements there were already proposed by recognized authors as Vohora and Dobrowolski in 1990. In the same way and regarding the actual COVID-19 pandemic, the authors Rahman and Idid in 2021 published: On the signification of zinc as being a possible critical element in COVID-19 treatment?., in the: journal: Biological Trace Element Research.

Fig6.  represent the molecular structure of several essential vitamins, and

Fig7. show fruits and nuts necessary for a supplemented diet in case of pandemic as COVID-19 containing vitamins, essential mineral elements and fiber as also

Fig8. Vegetables rich in vit. C, folate, carotenoids, etc. Malnutrition and immunosuppression are very important risk factors.

Fig.9. Essential elements and vitamins are links of enzymes and increased substrate concentration and this one the next enzymatic chemical reaction. On the right it is represented the speed of an enzymatic reaction as a function of 6 different substrate concentrations.

Fig.10. show mitochondria left in healthy in youth age, and right in the elderly or in old age more vulnerable to malnutrition, obesity and to drugs alcoh0ol, tabac, etc. Mitochondria’s are essential to have a healthy body with enough energy to avoid contagion, and reflexes the health and safety of our body. Mitochondria are the primary source of energy, and there are considered the metabolic turbine in energy production in our body. Cells are rich in mitochondria, in muscle: 800 per cell, and in heart muscle tissue of contractile cells myocytes: 3000 per cell generating movement thanks to the contractile proteins: actin and myosin.

FIG11. Food is converted in energy by glycolysis and Krebs cycle. After viruses contagion as coronavirus SARS CoV-2 and mutants the human body and immune system induce a paradigmatic defense metabolic activity in the organism, with a plethora of cells and molecules, the so called cytokines storm

Fig.12. including cytokine, interleukines, numerous proteins, antibodies, immunoglobulins and immune defensive cells, lymphocytes, and many others. This avalanche called « storm » of cells and proteins simultaneously requires a huge amount of energy that comes from the cytoplasmic glycolysis and the mitochondrial Krebs cycle, and in

Fig.13 the oxidative phosphorylation with the electron transport chain, and

Fig.14 the cycle of free radicals reduction proposed by Krengel and Hörsefield, to water with transhydrolase and different glutathione-dependent redox enzymes and proteins.

Fig 15. the synthesis of ATP by ATP-synthase.

In conclusion: Education, teaching and training is the best way to prevent and fight the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, both in rich and populations with limited resources. Physical activity and balanced diet are necessary and in the case of grave virus pandemic helping with fruit and vegetables and diet supplements in order to maintain the mitochondria as a metabolic turbine preventing infections and contagious. And also it is important to pay attention and application the guidelines proposed by decision makers, medical, biochemical and government experts on an interregional scale. It is a matter of individual responsibility.